The HSP's psychic octopus tentacles

The Psychic Octopus: The Perfect Tool for High Sensitives

The Psychic Octopus
The Psychic Octopus: How to reel in your energetic tentacles: When your energetic, psychic, tentacles are out, you’re globbing onto other people’s energies.

The Psychic Octopus: The Perfect Tool for High Sensitives

The psychic octopus is absolutely without a doubt the best tool I have ever come across for HSPs. It’s the single tool that changed my life. Applying it is not only easy, one you get the hang of it, but endlessly helpful, endlessly soothing, and endlessly effective.

Are you globbing onto someone else’s energy?

Learning to know the difference between your Unique Energetic Signature, your personal energy and other people’s energy is the basis for everything when you’re an HSP. Here’s why. When you’re highly sensitive, when you’re a “high sensitive,” as you now know you are and have probably always been told you are, you feel things that other people don’t seem to feel, and you feel them on a level that often feels overwhelming, even disturbing. Over time, your feelings can become so intense that you live a life of concern, fear, even anxiety and depression.