Identifying your Unique Energetic Signature (UES) matters!

Identifying your Unique Energetic Signature (UES) matters!

Why discovering your UES matters so much

How do you know what your UES feels like?
To LIVE in your Unique Energetic Signature, you have to identify it first!
  • What is a Unique Energetic Signature?
  • Why is the Unique Energetic Signature so important for HSPs?
  • How do I know what to do with it once I’ve identified my UES and know what it feels like?
  • Why is it so important to differentiate between your UES and someone else’s?
  • How can I, who am so highly sensitive, stay in my own UES without forcing it—in other words, easily and effortlessly.

Knowing what your Unique Energetic Signature feels like . . .

. . . is the single most important step in your evolution as someone who wants to understand how amazing it is to be highly sensitive—to go from “I’m so sensitive and it’s so hard to be me” to “I love being sensitive because it’s the greatest gift of all.”

It’s all about ease (vs resistance).

If we have any outcome at all in mind (while understanding that being attached to outcome isn’t the point), it would be that whatever we do is done easily, without resistance. Lack of resistance not only ensures a sense of freedom, but confirms our innate, if depleted, sense that we can handle whatever comes up in our world. So, although we might hope for a result, we also recognize that it’s the journey and the process that actually provides the inspiration we seek.

If you are willing to embark on this journey, you are ready to appreciate that it’s not a sad condition that keeps us down, but a brilliant addition to life, one that invites us to participate that much more fully in life.

Knowing what your own Unique Energetic Signature feels like allows you to differentiate between your energy and the energy of others.

  1. Firmly establishing your own Unique Energetic Signature is a permanent state that easily keeps you from taking on the energy/emotions/physical sensations/and patterns of others.
  2. Being, living, in your Unique Energetic Signature opens your heart to all you are. It naturally invites you to become all that you really are and opens the door to living a life of integrity, authenticity, and contentment.

Identifying the deep-down authentic you for an authentic life

The first step to identifying your own UES can be tricky, but once you get it, you never forget it! You wonder why you never recognized it for what it is: the deep-down authentic you. The place most of us knows is there, but have not been able to access due to all the things that have gotten in the way, internal factors like low self-esteem, lack of confidence, fear, and depression, often based on significant external factors, like negative societal input. HSPs tend to need external validation for who they are because inside they’re confused and haven’t identified their UES yet.

Who Am I?
HSPs tend to need external validation for who they are because inside they’re confused and haven’t identified their UES yet.

Knowing the difference between your energy and others’

To know the difference between your energetic signature and that of other people’s, you really only have to identify your own. In other words, it really doesn’t matter what other people’s energy feels like to the degree that you only care about what yours feels like and how good it feels to be in it. It’s not about blocking out the energy of others; it’s about relaxing into your own to the point where the energy around you doesn’t get in your way anymore. It’s there, but you don’t feel it.  It’s there, but you don’t care.

Preparing the way to your UES

As we continue along with these posts we will talk more about how to identify, establish, and live in your very own Unique Energetic Signature. For now, let’s prepare the way.


Ask yourself:

  1. Where does my energy live in my body?
  2. Do I know when I’m no longer in my own energy?
  3. Am I so used to picking up other people’s energy that I assume it’s mine?

Practice self-awareness in this way and see what happens!

I know who I am
Once you know your individual UES, you’re good to go!

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