HSPs & Covid: How to navigate a crazy world and stay sane

Living in a World of Covid
How can HSPs make the world a better place even while dealing with a pandemic like Covid?

HSPs & Covid: How to navigate a crazy world and stay sane

Living in the world of COVID–or any traumatic situation–when you’re a high-sensitive person

Living in a World of Covid
HSPs & The World of Covid: Living in the World of COVID When You’re a High-Sensitive: How you can make the world a better place even during a pandemic.

You have manifested in physical form for a reason.

It’s my hope that these posts encourage you to step into who you really are—a Vacationing Angel. Spirit that has made the choice to manifest in physical form to have the human experience. How? By establishing your Unique Energetic Signature (UES), opening your heart, reeling in your psychic octopuses, and establishing a relationship with your inner guidance. Why? Because the great choices we made in Spirit form don’t always seem to translate into our experience as humans. We need connection, love, support—we need help sometimes to understand what we’re capable of as spirit in human form, to appreciate who we really are, to take advantage of life in human form with all its complexities and possibilities and opportunities.

As Gregg Braden says,

If the particles that we’re made of can be in instantaneous communication with one another be in two places at once,
and even change the past through choices made in the present, then we can as well.”

The Law of Cause & Effect, karma, and cocreation.

One of the earliest teachings of the Buddha (2600 years ago) is known as the Law of Karma, or the Law of Cause & Effect. This universal law has existed for tens of thousands of years in the most ancient African societies, Native American & First Nation cultures, and on the Indian subcontinent. This divine principle teaches us that we are co-creators of every moment, working hand-in-hand with the Divine. Which means we are never alone, never really on our own, never succeeding in isolation, and never separate. Every moment, we are partnering with the universe to get something done, to evolve.

The “reality” of Covid.

In a recent post we talked about living life with an open heart, and what difference that makes to how we perceive “reality” and how we manifest our experiences in human form. We’ve explored how it doesn’t have to be a risk to open our hearts because what it does it create a sense of ultimate freedom and engagement with self, others, and spirit. Today we’re focusing on the real meaning of CO-VID. What’s really fascinating is that I can pretty much guarantee that the person or people who came up with that name for this virus were only thinking of its so-called scientific application, when you break it down something incredible happens. We see it for what it is.

Here’s how it works: The Sanskrit word for knowledge is vidya. The English word wisdom comes from its root—vid. The prefix “co,” from the Latin, means “together, mutually, in common.” In this case it’s easy to see how, if every moment is a co-creation, Covid is nothing more—and nothing less—than a shared wisdom, a shared knowing . .

A Shared Awakening!

Add to this the fact that the number 19—1 for beginning and 9 for endings—well, it seems the message is that this is a critical time in all our lives and it’s up to us what we do with it.

“We are pushed by pain until we are pulled by a vision.” Michael Beckwith

When the scary world of Covid turns into “a shared awakening,” nothing looks or feels the same.

Covid = A Shared Awakening
When the scary world of Covid turns into “a shared awakening,” nothing looks or feels the same.

The questions Highly Sensitive People need to ask ourselves right now:

  • What are we learning about ourselves to promote self-awareness and self-acceptance?
  • How are we growing–and in which direction?
  • Are we taking the time to reflect upon our next step along the path to our greatness?
  • Are we being kind in the process?
  • Are we practicing in whatever ways that feel comfortable to share a greater awakening with the world at large?

Learning how to survive and thrive in a times of stress is even more important for high sensitives! To take our “anxiety” and transmute it into incredible. Transmute our “depression” into deepened awareness. And our “ailments” into ease.

It’s up to us, all the HSPs of the world, to lead the way with the gifts–the heightened sensitivities–with which we have been blessed.

HSPS & the World of Covid

***Listen to my recording of “Healing from the Symptoms of Covid” music on youtube!***


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