HSPs & the Psychic Sponge: Part 2

HSPs & The Psychic Sponge: Part 2

HSPs and the Psychic Sponge-2
HSPs & The Psychic Sponge: Part 2: Dripping wet or all wrung out? Knowing what to do about is what matters!

In Part 1 of HSPs & The Psychic Sponge we talked about how easy it is to soak up “water” when you’re an energetic sponge. When the world is like a bowl of water and you’re a dry sponge just waiting to be dunked, deluged, and left dripping. When, because you’re such a High Sensitive, you go around picking up all sorts of things from people and the environment (the greater energetic field) that, it turns out, you wish you hadn’t.

In Part 2 of HSPs & The Psychic Sponge we’re going to talk about what you can do about it.

Step 1. First you have to recognize that’s what you’re doing. You can’t change something if you have no awareness that it’s happening. The good thing is that as soon as you are aware you’re doing it, you can take several steps forward in one giant leap.

Step 2. Okay, so you have become aware that you are affected by the energies around you. What else is new? Still, you may never have looked at what you do so automatically, so easily, and realized that perhaps you have a choice what to do about it.

Step 3. You now ask, “What choice do I have?  Do I leave the environment? Escape? Hide? Put up walls and barriers to people, circumstances, and energies? Or, do I change who I am to meet the needs of that environment, of the people in those environments?

Step 4. I’d like to say that Step 4 is the biggest step of all, but without Steps 1 through 3, it can’t happen. Because Step 4 takes you to a whole different place. The place where you no longer feel out of control or irrelevant or overloaded or fearful or ready to hide at any moment behind makeup or laboratory doors or a false persona.

Here’s what happens in this new place of awareness. You:

  1. You become aware. “Oh, I’m feeling this way. It feels uncomfortable. I don’t like feeling this way.”
  2. Instead of running away or hiding, you stay and process. “What if the energy I’m feeling does not actually belong to me? What it if belongs to someone else, or to the energy of the group? Hmm . . . If it’s not mine, do I need to know whose it is, what it is, or what it means?
  3. You realize in taking on other people’s energy, you have put yourself in a vulnerable position. In doing that, you have let go of your sovereign state of natural, innate empowerment. You want to get that back! But what can you do to “get it back”?
  4. You realize have another incredibly powerful option: The option of self-alignment.

Self-alignment is the key

The only really good answer to stepping away from the invasive energy around us is to be 100% secure in our own energy. What I call the UES, your Unique Energetic Signature (see previous posting on UES). If you don’t know what it feels like to be in your own energy, how can you know if you’re psyche is busy digging around in someone else’s? You feel as if its their energy bearing down on you, but, in reality, it’s that we’re inviting that energy in. How? By being the sponge.

It’s as if we’re saying to the world, “Here I am. I’m a sponge (being) permanently soaked with water (energy) so the world feels like a permanently threatening place.”

You know what really messes with your head, though, once you take on this label of HSP in the way the world uses it? We become the victims of our own game. “Poor me, I’m so vulnerable. I feel so much, it hurts so much. I want it to stop. Please understand why I can’t be here, can’t do this, can’t . . . can’t . . . can’t.

It was when I realized I’d willingly taken on the role of victim that I knew something had to change. If YOU are the psychic/energetic sponge, YOU are the one who can change your own reality.

  1. Wring yourself out. When you come out of the “water” dripping wet, you can wring yourself out. Literally see yourself wringing out all the energy of whatever and whoever is around you.
  2. Reel yourself in. If you’d rather picture yourself as the Psychic Octopus, go for it. I love imagining all my tentacles curling back in where they are snug and happy wrapped comfortably around myself. Remember, it’s not about pushing away (resisting), it’s about inviting in your sense of you, the energy of who you are, because that’s where you feel so free to be you.
  3. Learn what your Unique Energetic Signature feels like so you can live it all the time. Once you know the difference between your energy and the energy “out there,” the choice to stay in your own energy becomes a viable option.
HSPs & The Psychic Sponge: Part 2
Reeling in your energetic, “psychic,” octopus is not only easy, it’s the greatest feeling in the world!

Staying in your own energetic signature feels so good that you will never want to leave. It’s like the  energetic land of Shangri-La where all is well because you feel calm, at peace, and one with all there is.





***Find out more about how to identify, recognize, and utilize your UES, your Unique Energetic Signature here.***




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