The HSP’s Roadmap to Magnificence is the journey of the soul

The HSP’s Roadmap to Magnificence is the journey of the soul

Are you traveling life with your everyday roadmap or . . .

It’s up to you to choose the roads well traveled or discover who you really are with the roadmap of the soul–the HSP’s Roadmap to Magnificence. But this is not about plotting and planning or setting guidelines and parameters or even deciding what to pack to take along with you. It’s not about the gear or the funding or the friends.

What do you need when you take a trip? Usually you need a destination, a physical one, a place. You’re taking this trip because you have a purpose in mind. You’re visiting family or friends, going on holiday, or traveling for work.

The HSP's Roadmap to Magnificence

This is a different kind of roadmap, where the only destination is self-fulfillment. This is the roadmap–the “soulmap” for high sensitives. The HSP’s Roadmap to Magnificence.

. . . Traveling life with your Roadmap to Magnificence?

It’s about discovering, or rediscovering, or renewing who you really are. Who you were meant to be. Who you could be, who you can be, who you want to be. It’s about embarking on a journey that is never-ending, but always feels as if you’re arriving. Achieving and manifesting what you want because what you want is to be who you are. HSPs are known for their compassion, sympathy, empathy, and overall caring. But if we’re not able to fully be present in our power, our so-called “sensitivities” drain us to the point of burnout manifesting physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Curses are blessings in disguise

Society tells us they’re curses. All those abilities that make us the unique individuals who we are. The ways in which we handle ourselves in the world—or don’t—and the way we react to what goes on around us—or don’t. Depending on the judge, or the parent, or teacher, or employer, etc., we are told we are unable, unwilling, unmotivated, or just too stubborn to do what’s “right.” What fits the mold. What seems “normal.” What reflects society’s view of the norm.

“You’re so emo.” “You care too much.” “Calm down, you’re hysterical.” “Why are you always depressed?” Use your common sense. You can’t make decisions based on your emotions!” “Don’t be weak, be strong! Suck it up!” “You’re still grieving? Aren’t you over it yet?”

Stuck in the rotaries of life

If it feels as if you’re going around in circles, it’s probably true. It’s tough to believe in yourself, in your own way of thinking and doing things, when the world is telling you otherwise. Like the proverbial hamster on a wheel, you might be getting older, but you’re certainly not getting anywhere you might want to be. It’s a place of always praying you can get some traction, but all you can come up with is another slippery tread, so the only obvious choice is to keep going (and not get anywhere), or get off (and wonder why you ever got on in the first place).

Just like the rotaries on our roads that are meant to steer traffic and keep the flow moving, we can use the brilliant gifts we’ve been given to go in circles or get off and head a whole new direction.

Your Intuitive Guidance System Using your Intuitive Guidance System (IGS)
We can travel our own unique metaphysically oriented map or follow the crowd. Only one way leads us to fulfillment…the Intuitive Guidance System.

Using your Intuitive Guidance System (IGS)

Once you’ve reconfigured your vehicle’s guidance system from GPS, a Global Positioning System, to your IGS, your Intuitive Guidance System, life is never the same. Add in your shift to using the psychic octopus and Unique Energetic Signature techniques for energetic alignment and you’ve got it made!

Resetting your compass

We’re going to explore what happens when you make these choice. When you reset your compass with a new perspective that invites self-acceptance, self-love, and self-esteem. An entirely new approach that invites you to believe in the who you really are, and the brilliance of who you really are, once and for all.



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