Welcome, my ever-evolving, amplifying high sensitives, to today’s bit of down-to-earth spirituality with me, Heidi Connolly, the Celestial Professor. If you feel moved by what you read here today, please share the information so other HSPs like you and me can shift into high gear to uplift the world together!!!

Today, our focus is something I call The Great Paradox.

HSPs & The Great Paradox of Life
HSPs & The Great Paradox of Life: If you’re tired of scratching your head, read this!

The Great Paradox of being human is that the more you evolve spiritually, the easier being human becomes.

It might not sound like such a big deal, but just think about it.

You gotta love it. That the way to becoming a happier camper as a human being is to develop the side of you that’s beyond human. Beyond things. Beyond therapy. Beyond thought. How trippy is that?

You really gotta appreciate that the only way to get to a spiritually inclined place inside yourself, you need to get into that zone of silence where you enter thoughtless awareness. It’s like Maxwell Smart’s “Cone of Silence.” I know I’m dating myself, but Get Smart –the TV show?—was a thing in those days and watching that stupid glass “cone of silence” come down to protect confidentiality seemed pretty funny.

Going Beyond Thought

Anyway, the point is that, if you’ve gone beyond thought, when you return to the “real world” you feel it’s actually a little easier to be the human that you are.

At least, that’s the way it feels to me.

I call it The Great Paradox.

See, it’s like this. Every time I meditate, before I get anywhere near or close to that place without thought, what I have to do to get there is to focus, not on what I’m thinking, but what my body is feeling. I take steps to focus my mind on the things I’m feeling—physically, in other words, somatically in my body—to get there.

  • I feel my jaw relax.
  • I feel my eye lids sink inward.
  • I feel my neck and shoulders settle.


…And then my mind starts jabbering away, usually a running commentary about whatever it is I’m noticing that my body is feeling. And then, judgmental commentary on the fact that I’ve entered into commentary. Today is a perfect example.

There I am “trying” to meditate, and all I can think about is that I’m trying to meditate and that I don’t have that much time this morning to meditate before I need to start doing the things I need to do. It’s crazy, right?

What do I do? In my mind, I tell myself to focus on my body. (Which, again, feels like a paradox, since I’m trying to get away from all that supposed worldly stuff.) Anyway, that works for a second or two and then I start thinking about how tight my neck feels. Pretty soon, I’m dying to shift my position and give my neck a good crack. I fight the feeling for a while. Pretty soon, it’s all I can think about. So, eventually, and thinking about how much time I’ve “wasted,” I give in and shift around and crack my neck.

AAAHHH. Now I feel better. Now I can get back to meditating.

Right? And so it goes.

What does all this have to do with the The Great Paradox? It’s like this.

  1. The one thing I want is to feel happier as a human.
  2. The thing I’ve learned is that the only way to feel happier as a human is to connect with my higher self…source…God?…the infinite…the quiet…. The spiritual side of me. Or, should I say, the REAL being that is me?
  3. The thing that has changed over time is that even on days like today when getting beyond thought seems impossible, I end up appreciating how good it feels to be on the path of conscious awareness.

I guess you’d have to say that The Great Paradox of being human—that is, spirit in a biodegradable human suit—is really made up of many paradoxes.

All of which are opportunities, or as I like to say, “whopper-tunities,” for my own evolution. And if there’s one thing I know, it’s that the more I evolve, the more the planet evolves.

Which makes me happy!

The Great Paradox: Living inside the paradox can lead you straight to happiness.

So…that does it for today’s installment of down-to-earth spirituality. If you’re interested in purchasing any of my books or in private intuitive mediumship sessions with me, visit me at And remember, “psychic” or “medium” or simply tapped into your intuition…it all gets us to the same happy place.

And don’t forget to comment, so we can share our awesome awakening to uplifting the planet by being the brilliant HSPs we are!

Thanks!. See you again here soon.


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