The Psychic Octopus: The Perfect Tool for High Sensitives

The HSP's psychic octopus tentacles
When you learn to reel in your psychic tentacles, you're in your own alignment, a wonderful, safe, sound place to be.
The Psychic Octopus
The Psychic Octopus: How to reel in your energetic tentacles: When your energetic, psychic, tentacles are out, you’re globbing onto other people’s energies.

The Psychic Octopus: The Perfect Tool for High Sensitives

The psychic octopus is absolutely without a doubt the best tool I have ever come across for HSPs. It’s the single tool that changed my life. Applying it is not only easy, one you get the hang of it, but endlessly helpful, endlessly soothing, and endlessly effective.

Are you globbing onto someone else’s energy?

Learning to know the difference between your Unique Energetic Signature, your personal energy and other people’s energy is the basis for everything when you’re an HSP. Here’s why. When you’re highly sensitive, when you’re a “high sensitive,” as you now know you are and have probably always been told you are, you feel things that other people don’t seem to feel, and you feel them on a level that often feels overwhelming, even disturbing. Over time, your feelings can become so intense that you live a life of concern, fear, even anxiety and depression.

Controlling these reactions to your environment becomes a pervasive need. In order to save yourself from the pain and discomfort you feel, most people who are high sensitive learn to shut down, deny, or otherwise distract themselves from, or avoid, those feelings at all cost. The problem is, none of these options is helpful in the long run. They all rise out of fear, lack, and defensiveness, as opposed to acceptance, worthiness, and love for self…love for who we really are, and love for the world around us. This includes feeling hate, not love, for our own sensitivities and for the magnificent gifts they truly are.

We are spirit in biodegradable human suits!

We are all more than our physical selves; we are spirit in a human body, a human form that come into and leaves the physical world. Another way to say this is that we are simply all energetic beings. And if we’re all energetic beings, it’s only a short step to knowing that we are all connected energetically, through our energetic fields of vibration, in some way. When we realize this, we also realize that if we’re constantly open, constantly feeling all the energies around us, the good, the bad and the ugly feelings of the people and places in our environment, it’s all too easy to lose our own sense of self in the process. If we’re busy feeling what other people are feeling, how do we know what we are really feeling? How do we know if what we’re feeling is truly ours?

How do we know that we are living a life driven by our own thoughts and beliefs and sensations? That we’re being guided by connection with source and loving intention, as opposed to other people’s thoughts and other people’s intentions? Frankly, we don’t.

Be the octopus!

Here’s what to do. Start by picturing yourself as an octopus. That’s right, an octopus. You know, one with all its far-reaching tentacles, all those feelers that octopuses have. You are able to reach near and far, and curve around and into things you can go through and past in order to explore and probe and find and identify what’s around you. You are free to seek and react to all that’s out there.

Here’s the difference, though, between you and the octopus. You are doing this seeking and probing on an energetic level. You have your own personal psychic octopus. So what’s the problem? Well, the problem comes in when you’re not aware that you’re using your energetic tentacles to tap into other people’s energy bodies–their emotions and experiences.

You’re not aware that you have built your relationships on this ability to know how other people think and feel. And you do it to the extent that you are actually feeling what they think and feel might seem like a good thing. It might seem like it gives you a sense of empathy and compassion to know what they feel. But in actuality, it keeps you from knowing yourself.

You’re literally taking on the feelings of other people. So you lose the sense of who you really are. It keeps you from being centered and aligned. And then it’s all too easy to lose yourself in a relationship, to forget what you really want and to find yourself basically out of touch with who you really are in your essence. Did you ever say you felt “beside yourself”?

The HSP's psychic octopus tentacles
The Psychic Octopus: How to reel in your energetic tentacles: When you learn to reel in your psychic tentacles, you’re in your own alignment, a wonderful, safe, sound place to be.

How to reel in your psychic tentacles (or wring out psychic sponge)

That’s probably because you were—energetically beside yourself, that is. But when your octopus is in, when you’ve reeled in your psychic tentacles, you’re no longer at the mercy of other people’s stuff. You’re no longer in constant reactive mode that keeps you off center, off kilter, because it’s only when you remain in your own energy that you have the ability to truly be a guiding, present, presence for anyone else.

Practice how it feels to pull in these psychic tentacles. When you pull in your tentacles, when you’re fully engaged in your own energetic pulse, you have no leftover strands of energy, so to speak, that are trolling around, seeking to tap into, or engage, or feel what’s inside anyone else. This not only allows you to have complete freedom to be who you are, but invites you to feel safe and protected wherever you are whoever is in your space, and whatever shows up in your sphere.

When your psychic octopus tentacles are “in,” you’re free!

Another reason this is so wonderful is because you begin to accept the person who you really are in your essence without feeling the need to put up a protective barrier against the world or against other people. You pull your tentacles in, as opposed to pushing away from and building a wall against.

Simply put, being aware of your psychic octopus is not only the gateway to freedom, but the first, most critical, leg of the journey on your roadmap to your own magnificence!



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