HSPs: Are you hiding or shining your light?

HSPs: Are you hiding or shining your light?

It’s not really news that Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) tend to bask not in limelight, but in anonymity. And it’s not hard to understand why.

  • Some of us don’t like the attention on us, the feeling of eyes upon us expecting us to perform.
  • Some of us don’t like having to speak up, step up, stand up, or level up according to other people’s expectations.
  • Some of us shy away from competition (unless it’s with ourselves).
  • Some of us avoid confrontation even if it’s deciding what to have for dinner.
  • Some of us would rather die than spend time in a large, loud crowd of people, especially if they’re drinking.
HSPs Light the Way
HSPs & Shifting Gears: It’s up to us, the “sensitives” of the world, to shift gears, shift our perspective, so we can truly shine.

Do you live in your head?

We all spend our lives all up in our heads. The difference is what we spend our time thinking about, reacting to, believing in, and doing with all we think, believe, and react to. If I’m a financial wizard on Wall Street, my thoughts will probably not sound anything like the thoughts of a massage therapist. Not that there won’t be overlap, potential common interests, and so on. But what we think about is how we live our lives. We focus on what we believe matters and what matters is based on our beliefs about what is important.

Who / What is running your life?

The thing about High Sensitives is that we not only have our own thoughts and feelings with which to contend, but other people’s. We’re constantly wondering how people are feeling, what they’re thinking, what they want, what they need. Of us and from us.

And don’t forget those of us who also, without consciously being aware of it, are actually feeling what people are feeling, seeing what’s in their heads, and hearing their thoughts. It’s enough to send you running for the hills.

We (HSPs) say that we feel things more deeply, and yet we get stuck up in our heads as much as the next guy. What we think about may be different, but we’re still up there hacking around, trying to get a handle on things from why the server at the restaurant was so unfriendly to why there’s global warming.

The thing we forget is that we have a choice. We have free will. We have the power to think differently. And, no, after a lifetime of thinking one way about ourselves and the world, it’s not always as easy as switching brands of soap. Still, once you know your options, the shift can be swift and monumental.

Shifting Gears into Shining Your Light

“They say the key to success is to look into the future and visualize what you want to become. But some creatures are perfect just the way they are.  And the special ones, if they stay alive long enough, they grow wings and fly.”—From the film Don’t Talk to Irene, 2017.

HSPs & shifting gears
HSPs & shifting gears: What does it take to think differently? It’s as easy as shifting gears.


Consider the possibility that your current way of thinking may not necessarily be all it’s cracked up to be.

  1. Consider that you might not be aware of some perspective shifts that could change the way you think, feel, and live. That a cell-repatterning might be in order!
  2. Consider new terminology and new approaches that can shift you into a much higher frequency, and a much higher plane of existence.

Start now.

Check out my posts on the Psychic Octopus (globbing onto other people’s energy); your UES (how to identify and stay in your Unique Energetic Signature); and your IGS (how to confidently and consistently tap into your Intuitive Guidance System.




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