Love Energy Units–LEUs–are the true currency of the world

Elevating Your HSP-ness book
Elevate Your HSP-ness & Amplify Your Vibration for a High-Frequency Life!

Love Energy Units–LEUs–are the true currency of the world.

Love Energy Units are the true currency of the world.
Love Energy Units are the true currency of the world

This month there have been an abundance of “windows of opportunity,” as my wise colleague Sherri Cortland calls them. As I like to say, whopper-tunities. Not only because there have been so many of them, and not only because they’ve been seismic, but because so many of them have shown up in my energetic field of LEUs: Love Energy Units.

I moved to a new house in a new location last year. Since then I have had plenty of opportunity to repair, paint, and so on, and then, more recently, replace a bathroom, a water heater, and just this week, a furnace. So, yeah, you might say, lots of windows of opportunity for taking a good look at my feelings, responses, and beliefs around money and whether I am walking my talk.

Moolah. Buckeroos. Benjamins. Bacon. Chalupa. Cheddar. Clams. Dinero. Dough. You know, dollars and cents. All words that describes that almost intangible, yet profoundly tangible, element of life. Calling this element Love Energy Units is my way of purposefully, with the utmost conscious awareness, reminding myself that I don’t have to buy into (literally and figuratively) the collective’s perspective. Because when money is involved, if I get caught up in the drama of the world’s collective view that there is never enough, it’s too easy to go off the rails. When that happens, the picture of a draining bank account colors everything. Suddenly all you see are depleting resources…of your own and of the world, from the environment to democracy.

How interesting that when we think about having an abundance of something it always sounds good. An abundance of love. An abundance of wealth. An abundance of food in the refrigerator. And yet, when we have an abundance of financial whopper-tunities, um, not so much.

  • The bathroom came first. I told myself it needed to be done anyway, sooner than later, so why not now?
  • The water heater was next, a leak discovered under the house only because the pest people showed up to do their thing. Oh, well….
  • Then came the furnace. No wonder I’d been freezing last winter after I’d just moved in. It seems the furnace had finally given up the ghost and had been pumping out only cold air no matter what temperature I set it to.

You might say the universe has been altogether too willing to supply me with lots of amazing whopper-tunities. With prices about three times what they might have been a couple of years ago? I’d say the whopper-tunity factor has been easily tripled as well.

When I started calling money Love Energy, I got a lot of pushback from people.

What could be further from the “reality” of life? We might want to believe that money can’t buy love à la the Beatles, but in the world we live in, the message is all too clear: “If you give me what I want, I will love you” and “I need lots (unspecified amounts) of money to be happy.” This kind of convoluted message further separates us from the more holistic concept of abundance. Of having “enough” to go around. Of viewing monetary resources as a means to spread, share, and receive love.

I think this is where it gets confusing. How can money be love energy, on the one hand, if I’m also saying that money cannot buy love or equate to it? The key is in its un-conditionality factor. When we remove the conditionality of what we expect the money to do for us on an emotional level, we lose the connection to what it really means on a spiritual level—the level where true acceptance that there is always more than enough takes place.

When I am paying my bills, if I find myself looking at the balances and groaning, I immediately laugh. That’s right, laugh. Oh, yay, more Love Energy that I’m sharing with the world!!! I remind myself that I simply cannot be abundant in other areas of my life if I feel depleted in this one area, and vice versa.

I’d wanted to replace the moldy shower anyway down the road, so why not when it had become necessary? I was so lucky that the pest people noticed the leak under my house before it had become a  much worse problem—what’s a new water heater compared to that likelihood? And the furnace? That’s an easy one. Replacing the old system with a new, energy efficient, one means I’m waking up to a warm house that automatically cools off at night because I set it to do that! No more down vests 24/7 as I work at my computer, taking them off only when it’s time to make a video and look like all is well in my world. How magnificent is that!?

My gratitude for all these whopper-tunities is the really amazing thing.

My potential for love knows no bounds, so why should my potential for love energy to flow in and out of my energetic bank account be any different?


Read about how HSPs can shift their level of abundance in

Elevating Your HSP-ness: How To Live a High-Frequency Life by Amplifying Your Vibration, Celebrating Your Sensitivities, & Uplifting the World!

Elevating Your HSP-ness book
Elevate Your HSP-ness & Amplify Your Vibration for a High-Frequency Life!


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