Who Is Heidi and why is she talking to me about being an HSP?

Who Is Heidi Connolly?
Become the BITCH you really are!

Who Is Heidi and why is she talking to me about being an HSP?

I’m Heidi Connolly, aka the Celestial Professor, and I readily admit that there’s no one quite like me. You might ask, “Who Is Heidi Connolly & Why Is She Writing about HSPs?”

Who Is Heidi Connolly
Who Is Heidi Connolly & Why Is She Talking to me about being an HSP?

The truth of who I was lies in the past

The truth is that I thought I knew who I was for many years: an over-emotional, hypersensitive, albeit intelligent, “creative type” who was unworthy due to weakness, instability, and lack of confidence. And it didn’t matter how functional I became or what I accomplished, that belief, instilled in me by parents, teachers, and the world at large, stayed with me and walked beside me like a constant shadow. It was not just who I believed I was, but I knew I was.

In fact, it wasn’t until the death of my husband in 2012 that the world shifted on its axis as I was faced with either giving up on life altogether or somehow moving on through the pain, desperation, depression, anxiety, and fear that I’d been born with and still lived with every day of my life.

The reality of who I’ve become lies in the lessons

That is when my journey changed direction. I started to hear from Randy and other spirits on the other side of the veil. I learned I was an HSP, a Highly Sensitive Person. Well, I knew that, right? But now I learned it wasn’t a bad thing. In fact, it was the best thing ever, if only I could shift my paradigm, channel my abilities in a new direction, see them as blessings and not the curses I’d been taught they were. Understand the role that intuition, energy, and consciousness plays in everything.

The purpose of who I am in the now lies in the present through conscious awareness

The conundrum in which I found myself, however, was that, in thinking of myself as someone who felt “too much” in some ways, and wasn’t capable enough in others (using logic to navigate the world), I still felt mired in a place of self-victimization. I needed other people to understand my sensitivities and accommodate me. I was triggered by just about everything.

The world was still a dangerous place because of how strongly I reacted to it. Basically, um, not working for me. I needed to understand how to be who I was, sensitivities and all, without requiring massive compensation from the world.

Who Is Heidi Connolly & Why Is She Writing about HSPs?

Listening carefully to spirit

The tide didn’t shift until I fully committed to the opening of my spirit to spirit. The more I listened rather than reacted, the more I trusted the quiet inside of myself, the more the messages could come through. The more carefully I listened, the more clarity I received. The more clarity I received, the more calm I felt. The more calm I felt, the less I resisted and fought against my life, the more my actions played out in results that felt positive and the more I received validation for moving forward.

It’s what I call having a “psychic opening.”

And, yes, it can feel scary at first, which is why it helps to have a support mechanism in place. Someone who fully comprehends the process and can offer tools (like the psychic octopus) to navigate it.


I started playing the flute again. I wrote a novel. I created afterlife meetup groups to help other High Sensitive People—what I might call BADASSES–Abundantly brilliant, consciously aware, amazingly dynamic, unapologetically adept, and unambiguously sensational–beings they were created to be!

It’s about going from unhappy to happy and unempowered to empowered and into laughing and loving and generally feeling good about life. Are you going to feel that way every minute? Probably not. Neither do I. But the pauses in between are getting smaller. Or you might say that I’m living in the pauses themselves.

My approach differs from that of traditional coaches, counselors, and medical professional who deal with the physical, emotional, and psychological, because I use my ability to see things beyond the 3-D to help my clients. I step way outside the box by using my innate abilities as an intuitive medium to work with higher concepts and levels of consciousness. I do this in combination with my expertise in research, writing, and development to explore unconventional yet profoundly concrete solutions. I draw from information that no one taught me, and no one can replicate. In that way, I work with HSPs interested in discovering who they really and the gifts they offer so they can feel the joy of living a higher frequency life—a more woke, fulfilling, satisfying, and divinely driven life—and sharing that amazing invitation with the world.

If you are interested in turning your life around, taking it from miserable to magnificent, the path is calling and I am here if you need me.



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