How High Sensitives Can Get Into Instant Alignment

How High Sensitives Can Get Into Instant Alignment

HSPs & Instant Alignment
HSPs & Instant Alignment: When you get there and feel how good it feels, you’ll never want to be anywhere else.

My friend Helen shared a technique she uses with me years ago. At the time, I had no idea what she was talking about.

Maybe you’ll feel like that right now. But it’s okay. Because the more you learn about what it means to be a Highly Sensitive Person who appreciates your sensitivities and celebrates your sensitivities, the easier it will be to live inside them.

When you live inside your sensitivities comfortably instead of spending your life attempting to hide from them–or hide them from the world–things like fear and anxiety naturally recede.

The easiest technique you’ll ever use

Helen told me that whenever she felt out of sorts, overwhelmed, or generally “beside herself,” she would close her eyes and repeat the following:

“Helen. Only Helen. In Helen’s body; Helen. Only Helen. In Helen’s body.”

I could see what it did for her. Instantly, I could feel a difference in her energy–even though at the time I didn’t know what’s what I was feeling and I wouldn’t have called it that. Still, something had changed in that moment. She seemed less scattered. More focused. Sort of pulled together in a way she hadn’t been moments before.

Helen said it was a way to ground herself in her own body. To remind herself that, although she was one with everything on a spiritual level, when it came to being human, she had to keep her energetic body to herself. When she didn’t, she ended up feeling what others around her were feeling and responding unconsciously to all their stuff. In other words, she was picking up what they were putting down and letting it lead her by the nose. Even if she had no idea that was happening.

To my way of thinking now, “Helen. Only Helen. In Helen’s body” was a way to remind herself to pull in her Psychic Octopus, to align with her Unique Energetic Signature, and to feel more at peace.

Using it whenever you need it

I use this technique as a quick, easy way to jump back into alignment when I’m in traffic or in a long line or on hold on the phone and feeling impatient. When I’m talking with someone who’s unloading on me and I feel like I can’t simply make a speedy exit. If and when I can actually feel my SELF ebbing away due to the powerfully, often unconscious, determined nature of the other individual.

You see, there are lots of people who have very little compunction about forcing their energy on others. This can come in the form of a strong opinion or a loud voice. Maybe standing inside your personal space to the point where you’re squirming and need to step back. I’m not saying these people are necessarily doing it on purpose. They may even be aware they’re doing something that makes people uncomfortable, but don’t know how not to do it.

Believe it or not, often these people are HSPs, too (Link here to find out if this is you). They might not seem like it. In fact, they may appear to be the opposite–forcefully forcing themselves, their opinions, and their needs on others. More often than not, however, this is because at some point early on they learned that this kind of behavior was a brilliantly successful defense mechanism. Sadly, while it certainly can help protect them from other people by pushing them away, it also . . . well . . . pushes them away. It rejects people before people can ever have the chance of rejecting them.

HSPs & Instant Alignment
HSPS & Instant Alignment: Once you know what alignment feels like, you never want to feel anything else.


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