Elevating Your HSP-ness Into a Celebration of Self

Elevating Your HSP-ness Into a Celebration of Self

Every one of us is different. In fact, each one of us is unique. Yet, the simple energetic truth is that we are all one. (Alone, from “all one”; The one, individualized, never separate or apart.) It seems that one of the greatest paradoxes is finding a way to consciously exist as a separate being, while knowing we are all interconnected. How does that happen? How can we live in a way that invites us to live—and enjoy—the aspects of human-hood that can make life so glorious while still being part of a world that sometimes appears so disjointed, disconnected, and distorted?

There are many, many approaches, beliefs, techniques, and philosophies that address this question. And there is no doubt that my perspective is only one of those. It is not newly invented, nor is it newly discovered. It is, however, a new way of interpreting the data that allows us to live differently. And, in particular, offers a new way of interpreting and walking through life for those of us who are “sensitive,” or, as has recently been termed High Sensitives.

I would even go so far as to say that it’s revolutionary.

To elevate something, it first has to be somewhere. In other words, it has to be at a level that you can measure in some form. When we’re talking about high sensitivity, the common approach is to try to mitigate it, if not control it and stifle it. We don’t want to do that! Instead, we can ramp up our sensitivities–including our intuitiveness, our knowing, our confidence, and our ability to feel productive and safe in the world–and still hold onto all the positive aspects of being an HSP.

The question is: How?

I’ve begun to outline many techniques in these writings. But intellectually understanding what it will take to feel different and actually feeling different are two different things. That’s why we always start with how to deal with overwhelm, one of the most common traits of the HSP, the Highly Sensitive Person.

When your psychic tentacles are busy globbing onto someone else’s energy, it’s easy to go from chill to freakout.
When your psychic tentacles are busy globbing onto someone else’s energy, it’s easy to go from chill to freakout.

Tip For The Day: How to go from overwhelm to chill with the Psychic Octopus

As soon as you feel overwhelmed, it’s a signal that you’re taking on other people’s energy. That you’re not grounded in your own Unique Energetic Signature. When this happens:

  1. Physically stand still.
  2. See/Feel the energy that you are automatically emitting–that automatically exists around you. Your very own energetic field.
  3. Picture yourself as an octopus with tentacles and your energetic field as the stretch of those tentacles. How far do they reach? The farther they reach, the farther you are capable of (and likely to be) “dipping into” other people’s energy fields. Picking up what they’re putting down . . . usually without knowing it.
  4. Ask yourself: When did I start feeling overwhelmed? Where was I? What was I doing?
  5. Ask yourself: Is this really MY energy? Am I actually reacting to something that happened TO ME? Or was I feeling fine and then—snap—instant overwhelm?
  6. If it’s not your energy, remind yourself that you can reel in your psychic octopus—your energetic field—so you become settled once again. Once you “reel in” your psychic tentacles, your psychic/energetic field, you’re no longer globbing onto the energy emitted by others. You’re once again in your energy.

And it feels darn good.



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