Every HSP Needs An IGS (personal Intuitive Guidance System)

Every HSP Needs An IGS (personal Intuitive Guidance System)

Whether you consider yourself an HSP or not, you are the center of your own life. Whether you consider yourself “selfish” or not, you cannot help but put yourself into everything you do…and think. It’s inevitable. Because no matter what you do or feel for other people, the person you most have an effect on is YOU.

If you think of a circle or dart board with a bull’s eye inside it, picture yourself as the center. Maybe the exact spot where Robin Hood’s arrow would pierce were he to show up to demonstrate 🙂

Now, think of this bull’s eye being exactly the way you would like to be. It’s the direct hit for the way you want to live your life consistent with your values, beliefs, and integrity.

X marks the spot

Make an X on the dart board to represent where you stand today, right now, regarding the various aspects of your life. Where would your X be for work, education, love, leisure, balance, harmony, self-care, self-compassion, and so on? Label each X with the area of your life it represents.

An X in the bull’s eye means that you are living completely in keeping with your value for that area of living. An X far from bull’s eye means that your life is way off the mark in terms of how you are living your life.

HSPS & Your Intuitive Guidance System
HSPS & Your IGS (Intuitive Guidance System): Where are your arrows of intuition/kindness/compassion/self-love landing?

For example, self-compassion involves treating yourself with care and concern when considering personal inadequacies, mistakes, failures, and painful life situations. Generally compassion is comprise of the elements of self-kindness versus self-judgment, a sense of common humanity versus isolation, and mindfulness versus over-identification with what you do or your finances, etc (in other words, your ego).

Numerous studies have found that treating ourselves compassionately when confronting personal suffering promotes our mental health, including lower levels of depression and anxiety. This is great news for HSPs!

It means that it has once again been proven that the way we see ourselves in relationship with the world is the key to how we feel, and that how we feel is the key to how we ultimately interface with the world.

Yet, as I continue to stress in these writings, it is not so much the emotional state that matters, but what we do with how we feel after we label it. Label “sadness” a warm yellow ball of slime and you’ll be taken into a whole different realm of potential understanding about what you are really feeling—on every level of your being.

Back to the bull’s eye

But back to our bull’s eye. If you find that most of your ideals are far far away from the center of your “dart board,” think about how different life could be if you marched to a tune of a different drummer: your own tune. Can you do that without isolating yourself, without fear or repercussion, without anxiety that you’ll do it wrong?

Yes, you can.

Your Intuitive Guidance System (IGS)

Being a natural-born HSP means you automatically have the keys you need to unlock the door to freedom. To access the intuitive guidance (your IGS) to lead you in the best direction for you wherever you happen to be. To follow that path wherever it takes you with a sense of comfort, protection, security, and anticipation.

If you think of your IGS as an arrow in your quiver of arrows, picture in your mind the precise location of its aim. Are your arrows shooting in the direction of fear and pain or self-confidence, self-love, and self-compassion?

Shooting straight with an arrow takes well-constructed and well-implemented tools, and it’s the same for using your IGS to get where you want to go. It’s simply a matter of practicing with the right tools.

Take out your tools, clean them up, use them daily. You’ll be hitting your intuitive bull’s eye every single time!

HSPS & Your Intuitive Guidance System
HSPS & Your Intuitive Guidance System: Hitting Your Intuitive Bulls Eye Every Time!

* * *

In Part 2 of “HSPs & the IGS (Intuitive Guidance System)” we’ll explore how to know what your IGS feels like, and what it takes to tap into it on a consistent basis.


Check out my posts on the Psychic Octopus (globbing onto other people’s energy); your UES (how to identify and stay in your Unique Energetic Signature); and my first article on the IGS (how to confidently and consistently tap into your Intuitive Guidance System.

Thank you for shining your light into the world!


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