Are you truly “anxious” or an HSP looking for answers?

Are you truly “anxious” or an HSP looking for answers?

“Are you truly anxious or taking on someone else’s energy?”
Are You “Anxious” or an HSP?


Frankly, it’s hard for me to really understand this question, one asked recently by a fellow HSP-er whom I admire and respect greatly, in light of my perspective on being an HSP. In my life, as a Highly Sensitive Person, I used to feel anxious. A lot. Often. Even constantly. But now I know that the label of “anxiety” only serves as an indicator of HSP-ness (ohmigod, I know how that sounds when you say it, so forgive me, but please, carry on). In other words, there is no “either/or” situation here. I mean, how many HSPs do you know who aren’t anxious—or who have become really, really good at hiding it?

Labeling us as HSPs rather than “anxious” does not really help me shift in the way I want to shift. All it really tells me is that I have an excuse to be anxiety ridden. Which, honestly? Doesn’t really work for me. What I want?

As Abraham-Hicks would say . . .

To be “tapped in, turned on, and tuned in,” as Abraham-Hicks would say.

Or, in my terms, to be in touch, in tune, and intrepid.

  • To be truly in touch with who I am in a way that lightens what feels like a burden.
  • To be truly in tune with my higher self, consciously aware of the choices I am free to make about how I perceive myself and the world.
  • To be truly intrepid about moving ahead in life in a way that not only feels less threatening, but actually feels more comfortable, more enjoyable, and more engaged.

So, how do we get there?

I think the very first question should be:

“Are you truly anxious or taking on someone else’s energy?”

HSPs go around taking on other people’s energy all the time. As I’ve said, we have a good reason to do it. We bond that way, connect that way. It’s how we empathize, understand, and relate. Only real problem is not that we form connections, but that we lose ourselves in the process. We end up in a state of perpetual confusion and/or fogginess where nothing feels sure or certain or safe.

Which leads to (drumroll please) . . . That’s right: the psychic octopus. You don’t have to stop being the incredible HSP you are. You just have to know:

  1.  What your energy feels like so
  2.  You know when you’re not in it, and then
  3.  How to stay in it.

Refer to my posts on the psychic octopus and your UES, your Unique Energetic Signature, for more depth on those subjects. They are all tied together. You need to know who you are before you can stay in who you are. You need to feel good about who you are and where you are energetically to want to stay there, be there, exist there, and live there.

For you. For me. For the world.

It’s time.

Are You Anxious or an HSP-2
Are You Anxious or an HSP? Whatever you call it, it’s time to be in touch, in tune, and intact!


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