HSPs and Automatic Writing: It’s Good For Who You Really Are

Automatic Writing
Automatic writing is one of the tools that can help you tap in, tune in, and turn on to who you really are.
Automatic Writing
HSPs and automatic writing: Good for who you really are. One of the tools that can help you tap in, tune in, and turn on to all that you really are.

HSPs and Automatic Writing: It’s Good For Who You Really Are

First, let’s set the scene. Sherri Cortland (the amazing author and coach) is my guest speaker for my online Meetup. I’ve been hosting these meetups for several years, mostly on zoom since the pandemic, where I offer mediumship, meditation, and guided music. Sherri and I had been meeting right up through the day before, and had fully agreed on our intention and presentation, and had completed the usual zoom/tech-related checks. Everything should go off without a hitch.

Yeah. That’s what I said.

It seems the Spirit World had a different idea entirely. No matter how many links I sent, Sherri couldn’t seem to join the meeting. No matter which computer she tried, she couldn’t access the class. Finally, using her phone, she made it in, but couldn’t see any of the participants other than me. She couldn’t share her PPT presentation, nor could she play the flute music I’d sent her as background for her meditation.

Technology, right?

Fortunately, given our knowledge of the perfection of the universe — even when it feels as if we’re being thrown overboard without a life preserver — we plowed ahead, and Sherri facilitated all of us, sight unseen, through layers of guided chakra meditation and automatic writing, her tools for direct communication with Spirit. And we all loved it.

Especially me.

Being mostly a clairsentient HSPs , I don’t think of myself as someone who does “automatic writing.” And yet, here I sit yet again, having the words flow through my fingers as if they were written already and I’m just typing them into the computer. As if I’m hearing them for the first, and yet not at all the first, time. Before I do a mediumship session with a client, I sit quietly and write down all the things that come to me, no matter how strange, unsettling, or crazy they may appear to be. I get song lyrics, names, visuals of all sorts of things that don’t make sense to me, but always, in some shape or form, make sense to the client. I’ve had to learn to trust that in order for me to receive validation, I have to have the courage to speak the information out loud. Not an easy thing to do until you keep doing it…and doing it…and doing it.

At the meetup with Sherri, after listening to her incredibly articulate explanation of how auto-writing works and we’d watched as she demonstrated her process first-hand, we got to give it a try ourselves.

When things happen that you don’t expect

What I didn’t expect is what happened, of course. Not only did I receive information in the same way I do prior to seeing a client where words, thoughts, and pictures come through my pen, but Jeremy, one of Sherri’s Spirit Guides, made his presence known. I argued with him that he was Sherri’s not mine, but he insisted he was “on loan.” Five minutes later I had words like “speckled hen” and “thumbtack,” along with a very loving message reminding us all to know how magical we are. To know and own our own magic and share it with the world.

I don’t know about you, but it was the speckled hen-and-thumbtack thing that really got my attention. Not that it made any sense at the time. But, like I said, the stranger the information, the more certain it is that it means something important. In this case, to my new client today, who had just lost her husband. The look on her face when I mentioned the hens was sheer incredulousness, but when I got to thumbtacks, there’s no way to describe her reaction. Words that mean nothing to me meant everything to her.

The upshot?

  • Use automatic writing.
  • Use meditation.
  • Use any tool that feels good.

Just keep doing it.


Interested in personal readings, customized healing music, or grief counseling? Go to heidiconnolly.com.




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