Tired of being a too-human HSP? – Life as a Vacationing Angel

Tired of being a too-human HSP? Life as a Vacationing Angel

The Celestial Professor
Heidi Connolly, The Celestial Professor & Vacationing Angel

In this video, I talk about what it means to live as a Vacationing Angel: Spirit choosing to live yet another lifetime in the biodegradable human suit we call human form.

And remember, it’s not whether you can PROVE something is REAL or TRUE, it’s how you feel whatever you feel when you see it, hear it, sense it, smell it, taste it, or touch it. The fact is…

Reality and truth exist only in the mind, heart, body, and spirit of the beholder.

Life as an HSP is often feels like you’re in the middle of a downpour every single minute of the day. Like you’re carrying around your own little raincloud everywhere you go. It doesn’t always feel “bad,” in the sense that an ice-cold rain in winter might feel, but it doesn’t necessarily feel good either, mostly because of its constancy. It’s always raining. It’s always there. It’s a never-ending deluge.

What’s the analogy?

Being highly sensitive means that you do not interact with the world purposefully, but that the world is forever “out there” having its way with you. Affecting you; often bombarding you–and, often, without your knowing it.

To change that paradigm, we need to change our thinking.

  1. It’s not about changing the “out there” (the world).
  2. It’s not about changing the way people respond to us.
  3. It’s not about praying we’ll change because if we don’t we’ll never survive.

What it IS about:

  1. Loving being human IN SPITE OF all the things that make being human seem like “too much.”
  2. Understanding that all those things that seem to be “too much” are simply signs that there is more to life, and to us, than meets the eye (and ear and nose, etc.).
  3. Joyfully accepting that evolving as a human is what evolves us spiritually
  4. Appreciating that being responsible for our own sense of self is the key.

I’m fond of saying that I only know what I know. Which really means that my way of seeing things and doing things and living life is my own. There are no answers that “work” for everyone. When people market their products and services touting they are the “one sure way to achieve success” or “it worked for me so it’ll work for you, so all you have to do is do it right,” well, for me that’s a sure sign that whatever they’re selling is not something I’m interested in buying.

The thing I do know that seems to start everyone I work with off in the right direction is the idea that being an HSP is not only okay, and not only not too bad, and maybe even okay, but it’s actually the thing that can make life infinitely worth living.

Down-to-earth spirituality
Down-to-earth spirituality with the Celestial Professor

*** Please leave your comments below to share how you are evolving as an HSP using the HSP Toolbox tools in these articles. ***

Heidi Connolly, The Celestial Professor, heidiconnolly.com | hspness.com


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