HSPs and the Red Coat: Part 2

HSPs and the Red Coat: Part 2

HSPs and the Red Coat
HSPs and the Red Coat: When something feels like yours, isn’t it yours?

So, to recap, you’ve asked the big questions:

  • If wearing someone else’s coat can feel so right, can feel as if it’s mine without a shadow of a doubt, then what else could be going on here?
  • What else am I believing is “mine” that really belongs to someone else?
  • How do I know if/when I’m in my own Unique Energetic Signature or diddling around in someone else’s?
  • What about all the feelings I feel and the thoughts that come into my head unbidden?
  • When I feel sad or angry or upset, are those feelings really mine?
  • Because if they’re not mine, I don’t really want them.
  • If I know I don’t want them, how do I give them back—or not accept them at all?

Now, what???

The voice on the other end of the phone, the one that convinced you the coat you thought was yours really belonged to them, has turned your life upside down. You feel lost at sea, gob-smacked. How could you have been so convinced of something that was absolutely not true? It’s scary, really, how you could have believed something so deeply that was so wrong, and begin to wonder what else in your life you may have misinterpreted or against which you may have misguidedly chosen to take a stand.

This time is was “only” your favorite red coat. But what if it’s so much bigger than that? What if someone else’s coat was vying to be an energetic contender it had no right to be!

Don’t worry! That’s what we’re here to talk about.

The 32BYou Method: Amplification, Alignment, and Calibration

What’s the 32BYou Method?

  1. Wring out your psychic/energetic sponge body, your Psychic Octopus, so you can focus on AMPLIFYING your own vibratory field.
  2. Identify your UES, your Unique Energetic Signature so it’s easy to stay in ALIGNMENT with who you really are.
  3. Develop your IGS, your Intuitive Guidance System, your permanent gateway to ongoing CALIBRATION.

You’ve already learned about the psychic sponge, the psychic octopus, and the coat of many contenders: how we unconsciously tap into other people’s energetic fields and then take on their thoughts, feelings, and reactions. The next step is knowing how to identify and recognize your very own UES, your Unique Energetic Signature, so you can pull in those tentacles of energetic grasping any time you want.

The only way to pull in your tentacles is first by knowing your own energy. If you don’t want to be in someone else’s, you absolutely need to know what yours feels like. Most of us don’t have any idea. Sure, we have a personality (an ego-driven side) and we identify by the things we like and do. Yet, in the end, we really have no idea if they are ours or we’re absorbing them by default.

Take the gym, for example . . .

(or a class environment, or a restaurant). These are all places where you probably come in contact with people you have never met, or don’t know well. For me, any time I went to the gym I found myself deluged with emotions. Feelings of all sorts. As soon as I felt an emotion hit, two things happened. First, I recognized I was feeling whatever it was, such as fear or anxiety. Second, I felt distraught about what I felt and how I felt. And, third, I attempted to figure out why I was feeling that way. Where could I place the blame? Was it because Jim hadn’t said hello to me or Jane hadn’t called when she said she was going to? Did that mean he didn’t like me or Jane had lied to me? What did I do wrong that would make them behave that way? What should I do? Speak up first to Jim, pretend nothing happened? Call Jane and tell her how upset I feel?

Someone else’s energy is speaking through you, thinking through you, and acting through you.

And on, and on, and on: The thought thread that never quits keeps you in a constant cycle of expectation, anxiousness, and delusion.

In order to change your energetic mechanism from “Default” to “Yours and Only Yours,” you need to spend time in your signature of alignment.

Step 1: Wring out your psychic/energetic sponge body, your Psychic Octopus, so you can focus on AMPLIFYING your own vibratory field.

  1. Close your eyes and give yourself a moment to breathe, to go inside.
  2. On the slow count of 1-2-3, with your eyes closed, say out loud and with strength and volume, your full name. “MY NAME IS FILL IN YOUR NAME.”
  3. Feel how it feels to speak that truth. Where do you feel the truth of that knowledge in your body? In your chest, your throat, your pinky toe? Take a minute to feel what you’re feeling.
  4. Do the same thing again, but this time instead of speaking your own name, make one up: “My name is John Smith,” for example. Say it just as loudly and strongly. FEEL IT.
  5. What does it feel like in your body to speak an untruth? To state something with such assuredness that is obviously false?
  6. Again, try to pinpoint where you feel the sensation of that untruth in your body.
  7. When you’re done, open your eyes slowly and breathe.

For many people, this simple exercise is hugely effective—as it was for me. I’d never taken the time to feel somatically the difference between what someone said to me and what I felt was or wasn’t true. Not only did I realize that the two vibrations in my body were completely different, I knew from then on I would be able to recognize truth from lie and, hence, my energy from someone else’s.


Life changing.



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