What does the HSP’s “energetic lens of life” look like?

What does the HSP’s “energetic lens of life” look like?

No matter how much you want to “deal with” your sensitivity . . .

No matter how much you don’t like being so sensitive . . .

No matter how much you wish you were different . . .

The solution is not in the wanting, the wishing, or the hoping.

The HSP's Energetic Lens
Looking at life through the HSP’s Energetic Lens

How do I know this?

No one I know, including myself, has benefitted enough from psychotherapy (clinical or self-help) or medical intervention to successfully diminish our sensitivity to the point where we stop hiding from it and hiding from the world in one way or another. We can understand it all we want, take pills to shut it down all we want, but in order to live an easier life, one that doesn’t feel like swimming against the tide with weights around your waist, we need to find an entirely different solution.

It is my belief that this solution resides in a more spiritual approach. A more metaphysical approach, if you will. One that speaks to the true nature of who we are, not just as human beings, but spiritual beings living in human form.

What does that mean? I think it means looking at life through an energetic lens.

The Energetic Lens

Like a photographer who uses different lenses to capture different kinds of images, when high sensitives learn to use this “energetic lens,” it becomes their barometer for capturing the essence of life.

Since HSPs are naturally sensitive to energy in all forms, the solution is not in blackening the lens with a cover, but opening it wider with more understanding of what the lens might reveal. And, while lenses will perpetually exhibit various points of view and perspectives, there is only one lens that is self-prescribed, self-generated, and self-satisfying when it comes to living a successful—a contented, satisfying—life.

Without such a lens, we can never find the answer because our search is for how NOT to be something, how NOT to feel something, and how NOT to act a certain way. Whenever we approach life from the negative perspective, right off the bat we’ve set ourselves up for a struggle. This is not the answer!

The answer is in within

But how are we supposed to feel differently about the world unless we change? Good question. But it’s the way we change that matters. It’s the way we see what see that shifts our life paradigm. The way we hear the words we hear and touch the lives we touch.

The HSP's Energetic Life Lens
When HSPs open their energetic lens to to see, hear, and feel differently, life changes.

We don’t want to change the fact that we are sensitive because sensitivity brings with it all kinds of wonderful traits like empathy, compassion, sympathy, and understanding. Rather, we want to change the fact that our sensitivities unchecked–misunderstood, misaligned–can run amuck.

How do we do that?

  1. You have to be ready to think—and feel—differently.
  2. You have to be committed to a different thinking process—to changing your self-communication.
  3. You have to want to set aside victimhood and to replace it with a responsible sense of self.
  4. You have to want to believe that you are more than a human being here to fit into whatever mold society creates for you.
  5. You have to be willing and ready to delve deeply into the energy that propels the universe and propels the essence of you.

You’re mind, you’re spirit, you’re energy

If you are ready, if you want to be, do, think, and commit to these aspects of metamorphizing, then you’ve come to the right place.

Start by reading my post on identifying your UES, your Unique Energetic Signature. It’s the key to everything and will point you in the right direction.

Remember, I’m on your side. I am there. I’ve been there. I’ve been through it all. I’m an HSP, just like you. So, as the Three Musketeers said, pegging it in more ways than one, it’s “All for one and one for all.”

End of story.


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